

lundi 6 avril 2015

Letter of appreciation and respond

23 March 2028

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writting to thank you for all your effort and                     hardwork of making this community so perfect and enjoyable to live in. My spouse and I have been enjoying the activities in the park so much that we go there almost all the time. The cuisine has been on point since the first day I was here. My wife has been eating the snail and frog legs for two dinners in a row and I the cous cous and baby sheep for at least four times in a row. The healers are doing their jobs perfectly, yesterday I fell and scratched my knee on the floor but it took the healers less than five minutes to repair the scratch. The hover boards are working very well and I am flaberggasted how much the elders are having fun on their hover bycicles. Anyway I thank you very much for all this.

Yours faithfully,

John Brock

24 March 2028

Dear Mr Brock

We received your letter with plenty of joy yesterday. You're en ri ing events helped us a lot to know that our community is doing a good of keeping our citizens happy. The cooks are putting immense effort to please all the citizens and are also enjoying themselves by preparing the dishes. With our revolutionary technology our remedies are working better than ever and also the healers are taking their roles very seriously and are so very keen to help all the citizens to stay healthy and strong. Our fixers found revolutionary technology for our hover boards and for the hover bycicles the fixers are working very hard on making them perfect but they haven't found the right formula. As a citizen of community U28 all these enjoyable moments should become regular bases and if there is a problem of any sort you are more than welcom to tell us.

Yours sincerely

Adam Loly


Sport Activities
There will be various sports that will be supervised by the game planners which know the rules of all the games.

Discover Activities
There will be walks in the park to discover various types of trees, plants and flowers which will be led by the game planners.


Calm Activities
There will be story telling done by the game planners and reading time in the municipal library. 


dimanche 5 avril 2015


The children in the age range of 5-15 years old will need to go to school for 4 hours including 1 hour for lunch.

The children will learn maths, english, information and technology and history. They will also have self defense classes and cooking classes.

vendredi 3 avril 2015


There will be three choices
1)Oat cereal with milk and one fruit
2)Sunny side up egg with bacon
3)Couple pancakes with maple syrup

There will be three choices
1)Vegetable salad with sauce and rice
2)Steak with french fries
3)Pasta with mash potato

There will be three choices
2)Oat bar

There will be three choices
1)Chicken soup with noodle
2)Cous cous with baby sheep
3)Snails with frog legs

Laws and Punishments

Theft:If you steal or take any object that does not belong to you you will be imprisonned with the max penelty of 6 months
Harrasment:If you be mean or    assault any inhabitant you will be imprissoned with the max penalty of 1 year and a half.
Disobidient:If you do not listen or instruictions that can cause danger or other bad things you will be inprisonned with the max penalty of 3 months